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    Kegs Conveyor

    In the realm of beverage production, efficiency is paramount. One technology that has revolutionized this industry is the kegs conveyor system. Designed to streamline the handling and movement of kegs throughout the production process, these systems offer a myriad of benefits. Firstly, kegs conveyor systems significantly reduce manual labor.

    Past and future

    Traditionally, workers had to manually transport kegs from one stage of production to another, a task that is not only labor-intensive but also prone to human error. With automated conveyors, kegs seamlessly move from filling stations to storage areas or trucks, minimizing downtime and optimizing workflow. Moreover, these systems enhance safety standards in the workplace. By automating the transportation of heavy kegs, they reduce the risk of physical strain and injuries among workers. This contributes to a safer and more efficient production environment. Furthermore, kegs conveyor systems improve overall production output. By eliminating bottlenecks associated with manual handling, production lines can operate at higher capacities without compromising on quality. This is particularly crucial in meeting the demands of a rapidly growing market. Additionally, these systems offer versatility and scalability.

    Whether a brewery is small-scale or large-scale, the modular design of kegs conveyor systems allows for customization and expansion as production needs evolve over time. This adaptability ensures that breweries can stay competitive and agile in a dynamic industry landscape.


    In conclusion, kegs conveyor systems represent a pivotal advancement in beverage production technology. By integrating automation, efficiency, safety, and scalability, these systems not only optimize operations but also set new standards for productivity and quality in the industry.


    The keg conveyor belts produced by ACMI are made of steel and are supplied with low-consumption motors. These conveyor belts, entirely built in the company’s factories, can be equipped with various systems such as deviators, inspection systems and control systems.



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